Tell us if something’s gone wrong
If you’re a Peabody resident and would like to make a complaint, please reach out to us below as soon as you can.
Or you can visit the residents’ complaints page, which has more information on how we deal with repairs and other housing-related issues.
How long will it take for my complaint to be resolved?
We aim to respond to all complaints within 10 working days. We’ll do all we can to resolve your complaint immediately.
How will my complaint be managed?
If we can’t resolve your complaint immediately it will be logged formally and acknowledged in writing within three working days.
You’ll be given a reference number and the name of your dedicated case manager, who will investigate your complaint.
Making a complaint
It’s important that you get in touch within six months of the initial incident.
Use this form to tell us about your complaint.
Other ways to contact us
45 Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7JB