Dagenham Green wins planning award

We’re pleased to announce that our masterplan for Dagenham Green won Planning Permission of The Year at this year’s Planning Awards.
Published: 12/06/2023
It was also Highly Commended for Best Use of Brownfield Land in the placemaking category at the awards.
Located on the 18.5-hectare site of the former Ford Stamping plant in east London, Dagenham Green aims to provide 3,502 homes – of which we expect 1,640 to be affordable. Outline permission for the project was granted in October 2022.
Based on the 15-minute neighbourhood principle, the plans also include a ten-form-entry secondary school, up to 4,400 square metres of non-residential floorspace, up to 5,000 square metres of industrial workspace, and four hectares of open space, including parks and squares.
PRP, Savills and HTA were involved in the masterplan design and continue to be involved in the project (amongst other consultants). The judges described the development as “An impressive scheme which will create a fantastic new community”.
The scheme will become the urban heart of the area, designed to connect locals, new residents, and visitors, centred around social amenities to create and foster a sense of community.
A wide range of housing tenures and uses will create an inter-generational neighbourhood where all ages can live and thrive together to be part of the heritage story of Dagenham.
Learn more about our Dagenham Green development and The Planning Awards.
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