Supporting people in Essex with the cost of living

Since July, we have supported over 337 households in Essex to apply for the household support fund.
Published: 20/12/2023
This fund was introduced by Essex County Council to enable local residents facing financial hardship to purchase food, white goods and other essentials.
As the commissioned provider of Essex’s housing-related support, we were ideally placed to identify individuals who would benefit most from the fund.
We supported people using our outreach service to apply, and reached new individuals through partner organisations and at our regular community drop-ins.
The fund has been a valuable resource for Essex residents, offering relief from crisis and helping them cope with the increased cost of living. Many of the people receiving support are in low-income jobs and have been impacted by increased food and utility costs or benefit delays.
One recipient gave us this feedback: “Thank you so much for helping me out, it will allow me to stock up on food for the winter. I was worried how I would cope.”
A full-time carer had found herself eating one meal per day due to high daily living costs. The fund assisted her in refilling her cupboard and freezer, which was “a huge relief”.
Another individual got support to purchase an oven through the scheme: “Owning my own cooker rather than renting one for a standing rate each month has helped me immensely. Also, the food vouchers have helped not only physically but mentally. I really don't know how to say thank you enough.”
We also received this feedback: “I didn’t think there was any help out there for people who are not on benefits but struggling, and without the help of Peabody would have been in a very difficult position. It has enabled me to provide a normal way of life in the difficult situation we have found ourselves in.”
Denise Burch, Manager for our Essex Outreach Service, commented: “Our teams have worked hard to process funding applications and support with purchases, making a real difference to people’s lives. That they’ve done all this on top of their day-to-day roles demonstrates their commitment and passion for helping others.”
We offer tailored support for people living in Essex, Havering, Thurrock and Tower Hamlets. Our dedicated team of support and peer workers provide advice, signposting and support to help people sustain their tenancies and improve their quality of life.
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