Catalyst responds to consultation on smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Catalyst has responded to the government’s consultation on extending the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Regulations in England.
Published: 11/01/2021
The consultation ran for eight weeks from 17 November 2020 to 11 January 2021. It sought views on amending the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 to require private and social landlords to install a carbon monoxide alarm in any room used as living accommodation where a fixed combustion appliance is used (excluding gas cookers).
Our response and position is summarised here:
We feel that all tenants have a right to expect to be safe in their homes. In line with our strategic objectives we only let homes that meet our quality requirements and provide an uncompromising level of safety
We support the government’s proposed approach for domestic smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. We think that it is reasonable to expect all landlords to supply working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
We already meet best practice requirements for supplying, fitting and replacing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. We feel that our tenants have the right to homes that meet the highest safety standards and see no reason why there should be different criteria in different sectors
We generally think that existing guidance is sufficient but would welcome a review of available products to take advantage of technological advances
We agree that there should be an expectation that tenants monitor alarms and be expected to report non-working alarms. However, we feel guidance about how our most vulnerable residents, who may not be able to undertake checks, can be catered for would be useful.
View our Response to Domestic smoke and carbon monoxide alarms consultation – PDF 143KB
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