Catalyst stakeholder perception survey – thank you for your feedback

We’d like to thank our stakeholders from across our London and Counties regions for taking part in the survey we recently carried out to better understand how Catalyst is perceived.
Published: 25/01/2022
From this, we received some very insightful feedback which will help us improve the quality of our operations, the effectiveness of our communications and the topics that are important to you.
Stakeholders told us:
They’d like assurance that following the merger with Peabody, which will make us one of the largest housing associations in the UK, that we will retain our local focus.
They’d like to know more about our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) work as well as what we’re doing to raise awareness of inclusivity across the organisation.
Where they don’t have an existing relationship with a senior Catalyst colleague, they’d like a designated point of contact within the organisation.
As we move into 2022, and through Catalyst merging with Peabody on 1 April, we’re committed to increasing our local focus and being better connected with the communities we serve.
The larger organisation will mean we’ll have a greater concentration of homes and we’re already working to increase the presence and local focus of our customer facing teams. We are genuinely committed to being a ‘large but local’ organisation.
Catalyst is already leading the way. We were the first organisation in Europe to receive the highest accreditation mark across all three categories in the ‘Certified Sustainable Housing Label’ from German consultancy RITTERWALD, and we’re pleased to announce that we’ve not only retained this for a second year but achieved ‘frontrunner’ status in all three areas.
We also received a Gold Award in the SHIFT (Sustainable Homes Index for Tomorrow) accreditation scheme, which provides an independent assessment of how housing organisations are performing against challenging environmental targets.
For our latest news updates and to find out more about the merger and our ESG and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work, follow us on LinkedIn.
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