Our response to the tenant satisfaction measures consultation

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) are asking landlords to work with residents and colleagues to provide feedback on the introduction of new tenant satisfaction measures.
Published: 09/03/2022
As part of the new measures, social landlords will need to share stats on performance and the quality of service. This will make landlords’ performance more visible and will provide a valuable resource for residents, local communities and social landlords themselves.
For our consultation response, we invited residents to have their say by visiting our online community – The Garden. We also arranged workshops for our colleagues to provide feedback on the proposals.
Summary of our response
We welcome the introduction of the tenant satisfaction measures, as we believe they will help to improve services to all residents.
The proposed measures build on the work we’re doing on our soon-to-be-launched new service standards. Our customers have played a key role in creating the new standards, which aim to provide greater transparency about how we’re performing.
We’ve also outlined some recommendations, including:
Reducing the number of tenant satisfaction measures to focus on questions which really matter to residents
Providing more information from the RSH on how the results will be published and presented
Designing the tenant satisfaction measures and the methodology to make sure that all landlords are transparent with their data, and unable to manipulate to show enhanced data
Enabling landlords to share their data on the tenant satisfaction measures so that they can compare like for like and see performance across the sector
Making sure questions reflect resident areas of concern, e.g. a greater focus on repairs
Including measurements on value for money for our residents who have told us this really matters to them.
Next steps
The government is expected to publish its response to the consultation later this year, alongside further information on how the tenant satisfaction measures will be put into action. The new measures are expected to come into force in 2023.
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