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Success in the Great British Care Awards South East

Man standing and smiling with a women holding an award above her head

Our supported housing service in Thurrock was recognised for its outstanding impact at the Great British Care Awards South East.

Published: 12/12/2022

Our supported housing service in Thurrock was recognised for its outstanding impact at the Great British Care Awards South East.

Fiona Dianin, a team manager in our Care and Support Department, has won the Housing with Care award in this year’s Great British Care Awards, South East.

She was also highly commended in the Frontline Leader category and our Supported Housing team in Thurrock, which is managed by Fiona, has been shortlisted for the Covid Heroes award.

The Great British Care Awards celebrate the most outstanding services and successes from across the UK care sector each year, with the regional victors taking part in the national final in March 2023.

The success of our supported housing and supported living services in Thurrock reflect the positive impact they have for their residents who have a disability.

The service, which is commissioned by the local council, has gone from strength to strength this year as our team found new ways to help people live more independently, achieve their dreams and flourish.

They redesigned and transformed the garden in one scheme, involving residents throughout the process. Following a consultation, they introduced new seating, a bike shed, and a memorial area for much-loved pets.

They renovated the summerhouse of another scheme, converting it from a disused space into an area that everyone can enjoy. By adding colour, hanging portraits of residents on the wall and putting floral baskets and bird houses outside the building, they created a popular space for reflection and socialising.

The team also arranged tailored activities for their residents, including daytrips and holidays to memorable locations.

Billy Foskett, a support worker in the service, said: “We recently arranged a trip to the set of Coronation Street. Everyone who went enjoyed it, but unfortunately one of our residents was unable to attend as he was unwell. He really wanted to go, so we worked with his social worker, consultant, and family to arrange a private tour for him. It was so uplifting to see his reaction when he finally saw the famous cobbled street that he loved so much.” 

By always providing tailored support involving our residents, using progressive approaches, and working with partner organisations, our Thurrock supported housing team have transformed the service into a model where everyone can live their best lives.  

One of our residents said: “You’ve done so much for us. You’ve helped us move into a flat, you helped us with everything. You even came over at the weekend to take us to London. You guys have done a hell of a lot, and I appreciate it and I am grateful for it.”

Fiona commented on the award victories: “I am so proud of my team for all the creativity, dedication and work they put into this service every day. It’s amazing to see the power of collaboration in action and it has been truly rewarding to see our residents so involved and enjoying the lifestyle of their choosing.”  

The judges commented on Fiona’s Housing with Care award: “Fiona is a talented and innovative leader who believes in empowering her staff to use their initiative and imagination. In turn, service users receive not just exceptional care but life-enhancing experiences.” 

We provide specialist housing, care and support for over 300 people who have a disability in Essex and London.

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