What we’re doing to stop violence against women and girls

Residents are urged to join the ‘Take Action: End Domestic Abuse’ campaign during the worldwide 16 days of action.
Published: 27/11/2023
International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls sees the launch of this year’s 16 Days of Action against domestic abuse campaign. Every year, we support this important campaign by holding events, sharing stories and more to raise awareness of how we support our residents and colleagues experiencing domestic abuse.
How we’re supporting our residents
This year we’re focusing on our new regional structure and how it’s working to make sure we provide a consistent but locally focused service across all our regions and communities. As part of this we’ve established local Community Safety teams within our four regions to ensure we can meet local needs.
Having dedicated community safety teams who understand domestic abuse and its impact is just one way we’re ensuring that our teams are working to get closer to our residents.
Over the last 12 months our Community Safety Specialists have supported 316 residents experiencing domestic abuse by providing advice on housing options, making referrals to specialist services and improving home security.
How we’re supporting our colleagues
As part of our vision to create a workplace where everyone can bring their whole selves to work we’re committed to ensuring our health and wellbeing programme supports all colleagues.
Our focus for this year’s campaign is reaffirming the support we offer colleagues who are concerned about their own relationship or a colleague. Reminding them they can speak with a Domestic Abuse Champion or get in touch with our employee support programme internally as well as additional external support available.
To help reinforce our new local offer for residents we’re also reminding colleagues about spotting potential signs and how they can refer residents to their local community safety team.
"The campaign to end domestic abuse is everyone's responsibility. It's up to us to ensure that, working with our partners and police, we take firm and decisive action to end this behaviour, ensuring we protect all those at risk.
Working across departments, we want it to be seamless when someone raises a concern, whether for a resident or a colleague. Everyone has the right to live without fear, and bringing this to the top of the Community Safety teams's agenda shows our commitment to tackling the root causes of this behaviour which blights people's lives." Adam Benlmkadem. Head of COE, Community Safety
Learn more
Find out more about how we help residents security and safety concerns and support anyone experiencing domestic abuse.
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