Everyone deserves a safe place to live
Sadly, many people face homelessness and housing problems today
That’s why we provide specialist homes and support for people who are going through a difficult time - whether they’re experiencing homelessness, substance misuse, isolation or mental ill health.
We aim to help people get back on their feet for the long term by putting a roof over their heads and helping them take control of their lives.
As well as a range of housing options, we also have skilled support workers. They help with trauma recovery, building resilience and confidence. This helps end the cycle of continuous homelessness.
Our services
We have a wide range of housing options from short-stay hostels and temporary accommodation to longer-term supported housing schemes. This includes women-only refuges, services for young people moving into a first home and housing for the Rough Sleeping Initiative.
Supported housing scheme
A secure home for anyone who needs extra support while they regain confidence and learn the skills they need to live independently. All our residents get regular tailored support with building an action plan, so they can start to take positive, proactive steps forward.
Support for refugees
It can be very difficult to adapt to a new country and culture, especially after experiencing hardship. So we designed a five-year programme that helps people settle in, put down roots and restart their lives. We help them to live independently and get involved in the community. We can even provide support with getting English lessons, finding a job and any relevant paperwork.

Other housing concerns
We also provide free support for people who are at risk of losing their home through our Tenant and Family Support Team.
Temporary accommodation
A safe place to call home for people who are waiting for their local council to review their homelessness application.
We provide residents and their families with personalised support to help manage the issues they’re facing. And to make their stay with us as comfortable as possible.
“Living here has been a great experience. The team was very kind and supportive especially during the lockdown and helping me throughout my studies. My support worker also stood by me and helped me during my court case. I respect her and appreciate her and I will never forget her in my life.”
Chelmsford customer
Our impact
Our services are currently helping over 1,200 people across 11 local authorities in London, Essex and Sussex. And we also work hard to support organisations such as Nacro, Sanctuary and the Salvation Army in their efforts to tackle homelessness.

Our approach
Our support workers are trained to provide safe, secure environments for our residents. Find out more about how we work with communities, local authorities and other organisations to deliver our life-changing services.
Contact us
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in your area? We’re always keen to expand our
services to help more people.