Giving young people a better start in life
We offer young people communities which are designed with security, stability and opportunity in mind
Through our work, we support their mental health and champion their voices. We look out for their physical safety, encourage their ambitions and so much more.
Our services
Take a look below to see some of the projects and programmes we offer for young people.
Supported housing schemes
A safe and secure home for young people who need extra support while they learn the skills they need to live independently. All our residents get one-to-one time with support workers, who help them build an action plan and start taking positive, proactive steps forward.
Wraparound support
One-to-one support for young people who are living in their own home. This can help prevent homelessness or crisis and is tailored to meet the needs of the person receiving support.
“They took time to listen and fully understand my needs. I wanted to feel safe, improve my mental wellbeing, become more independent and improve my relationships. My support worker was with me the whole way and really helped me a lot. I wouldn’t have made the progress within myself without their help.”
Hertfordshire customer
Our impact
Our services are currently helping over 250 young people in Essex and Hertfordshire. And we also work hard to support organisations like Nacro and Herts Young Homeless in their efforts to tackle youth homelessness.

Our approach
Our support workers are trained to provide tailored support that looks at the bigger picture rather than just what’s causing an isolated incident. This means they’re able to help our residents address their issues and reach their potential.
Contact us
Would our services benefit the people
in your area? We’re always keen to expand our
services to help more people.