Working locally is key to how we provide better services in our communities
We’re connected with our residents and communities and listen to make sure their voices are heard.
This allows us to promote new ideas and policy changes that have our residents’ needs front and centre.
Our goals are ambitious, but always grounded in what our residents tell us .
Our grants programme provides money to small local community groups, charities and individuals who use it to provide a service in their community. For us, it’s all about letting them take ownership and getting their community working as one.
We also collaborate with partners and use our networks to learn from experience and promote success stories.
Fourteen-year-old Khieran’s youth team, Chingford FC, received a microgrant from Peabody to buy football kit and host a tournament
It was attended by the Territorial Support Group from the Metropolitan Police and aimed to raise awareness about issues such as racism, stop and search and knife crime. Khieran said: “We loved it, it was fun, which makes us want to come back to Peabody and keep doing it so we can set up another one. It just helps us look at you guys who can help us so we can achieve big things like this.”
Ten local residents received community awards at Pembury Community Centre to celebrate Black History Month
One of them, Pembury resident Esther Jordan was praised for her outstanding work in setting up the Pembury Parent Champion group. It helps local parents to support each other and connects them to essential, life-changing services. We’re working in partnership with Hackney Council, Pembury Estate residents, health services and local charities, to improve the lives of 1,000 children and young people who live locally.
Cook for Good is a social enterprise that tackles food poverty and social isolation at the same time. It connects businesses with local communities, for the benefit of both
Using the community kitchen in our Hugh Cubitt Centre, they run free cooking classes, community meals and a surplus food pantry. They also host cooking-based team-building experiences, sharing the profits (and of course, the delicious food) with local residents. One Priory Green resident was invited to volunteer after experiencing some tough challenges in her own life that meant she couldn’t work or socialise and left her feeling depressed and alone. "Being part of the Pantry team has changed me completely. I now feel I have something to get up for and am so happy. It's the best medication for my mental health; I love helping and working with others. I used to feel depressed and distant from everyone; thanks to the Pantry, the team and the members, everything has changed."

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